Save my Driving License

Please contact us if you think you are at risk with

New Driver Offences

Your licence will be revoked if you have been driving 2 years or less and you acquire 6 points.

Call us 24 hours a day

0800 0129 988

or email us for a free quote

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Why choose Save My Driving Licence ?

  • Specialist road
    traffic solicitor

  • Direct contact
    with your solicitor

  • Available 24 hours
    a day

  • Attendance at the
    police station if required

  • Attend courts
    across the uk

  • Face to face appointments or telephone conferences

How long is the probationary period?

When you first pass your test you have a two-year probationary period. If you accumulate more than 6 penalty points, your licence will be revoked. You will have to pay for a provisional licence and pass both the theory and the practical test again.

There are so many reasons for points being put on your licence including:

  • Speeding
  • Fail to provide details of a driver
  • No insurance

These are just a few examples.

How long is the probationary period?

What shall I do if I am at risk of getting points on my licence?

Some of these offences have a minimum of 6 points as punishment. Also remember that points on a provisional licence will be counted if you receive points from a new offence.

It may be that you have a defence or we can help to minimise your points to avoid revocation of your licence. Please contact us.

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What shall I do if I am at risk of getting points on my licence?

We're always here to help you

If you are contacted by the police or receive a summons for court we may be able to help you. It is quick and simple to make an appointment, just contact us by email or phone. We can see you in the office or speak to you on the phone.

We are available 24 hours a day providing a professional service with direct access to a solicitor. If you need help to keep your licence please contact us.

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We are available 24 hours a day providing a professional service with direct access to our solicitors.

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